
video, dance, performance, sculpture, text, social

“Schizoanalysis” series

video art, 2010-2017

A montage of User-Generated-Content from YouTube with original voice-over, Schizoanalysis videos creates a mockumentary anthropology of contemporary beauty practices, in which the oppressed is the oppressor as well as the representation.  Schizoanalysis is a concept of French philosopher Gilles Deleuze and psychoanalyst Felix Guattari. 

“Pearl Necklace”

short film, 2012

In a static one take, a porn actress is left to act before, during and after a money shot. 

“Study of a face at 30m”

16mm film, 2012

Shot on Bolex on 16mm analogue film, Study of a face at 30m is a stop-motion of an oil painting, expressing the journey of a face in 30m, the length of the film strip itself. 

“You and us at 30m”

sculpture, 2012-2017

The sculptural molds are taken of people and objects, in places she knew she visited for the last time and stretched using elastic cords in entanglement with each other. 

“Curator’s Room”

installation, 2014-2017

Curators Room is an installation project for which curator and art residency director Pırıl Gündüz allocated one room for her curatorial practice with each group exhibition that took place in 17 rooms of 5-floor The Hollows townhouse, and in and out of the building, with different themes in each iteration in relation with the group exhibition themes. Four walls were set for her processed  of Research, Hypothesis, Display, Left-overs and included books, stationary, art, personal items, furniture, placed in relation, documenting and opening a glance to her artist residency curatorship in NYC where she also lived. 


performance, 2018-ongoing

ValentineXX_xyztd is the artist’s alter ego with which she creates performances, videos, dance, text and social projects from 2018 onward.

“Time Capsules” series

sculpture, 2021- ongoing

Time Capsules are a series of non-idolic sculptures made from scratch or onto commonplace replicas that are found quite inexpensively in thrift stores, like those of Hermes, Buddha or Nefertiti busts. The artist uses papier mache, mirror tiles, transparent inks and varnish to create rustic retro disco balls of her own shape that sit on the ground and that can be sat on. The disco balls do not rotate. They are vaults with varying themes.

“Mats” series

fabric, 2021- ongoing

Mats are exercitation rugs akin to the ones of Islam and yogic pratices. Unlike the historic and the modern ones, their shapes are organic and larger. The meditative patterns on them are unique in each piece, consisting of either of ValentineXX_xyztd’s two monograms and her favorite doodling motifs. Both the fibers and the paints are bioplastic, durable and easy to clean.

“Mantras” series

dance, 2021 – ongoing

Mantras, total of 52 , are short pieces of dance routines to be repeated, each with a different set of principles to allow for improvised variations. Each mantra is accompanied by a warm-up, an affirmation, a grounding and a cool down, with bells between intervals. 

“Sessions” series

dance, 2021 – ongoing

Sessions are one hour long dual interaction dances guided by ValentineXX_xyztd. They are of four kinds, in total twelve offerings: Extreme sessions that emphasize strength, sublimity, detox  or challenge. Balancing sessions that emphasize liquidity, conductivity, balance or economics. Inward sessions that emphasize flexibility, stillness, beauty  or  sensuality. Body sessions that emphasize alcohol, nicotine, detox and adrenalin. Exposing principles to the participant,  the rituals, the use of props and the audiovisual aids aim to produce the desired affects. The flows are not to be memorized but registered. The sessions include no verbal exchange. The sessions start with warming up of bodies both in and of themselves and with each other. Pragmatics are employed in order to minimize decision making. The participant does not have to prepare in any way before showing up at the time and location of the session.